Roadmap for English Grammar

Learning English grammar from basic to advanced using the 80/20 method is practical and achievable. The 80/20 method, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In the context of learning English grammar, this could mean focusing on the most essential and commonly used grammar rules and structures that will provide the greatest impact on your language skills.

English grammar with the 80/20 method:

Basic Grammar (80% of essentials)

  1. Parts of Speech:
    • Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.
  2. Sentence Structure:
    • Subject-verb agreement, word order, and basic sentence types (declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory).
  3. Tenses:
    • Present, past, and future tenses (simple, continuous, perfect).
  4. Articles and Determiners:
    • Proper use of “a,” “an,” “the,” and other determiners.
  5. Common Errors:
    • Avoiding common mistakes in grammar, such as double negatives or misplaced modifiers.

Intermediate Grammar (20% for more depth)

  1. Complex Sentence Structures:
    • Compound sentences, complex sentences, and using clauses effectively.
  2. Advanced Verb Tenses:
    • Perfect continuous tenses, conditional sentences, and reported speech.
  3. Punctuation Rules:
    • Proper use of commas, semicolons, colons, and dashes.
  4. Relative Clauses:
    • Understanding and using relative pronouns and clauses.
  5. Modal Verbs:
    • Expressing possibility, necessity, permission, and ability using modal verbs.

Advanced Grammar (Specialized Topics)

  1. Passive Voice:
    • Understanding and using passive constructions.
  2. Subjunctive Mood:
    • Using the subjunctive for hypothetical or unreal situations.
  3. Conditional Sentences (Advanced):
    • Exploring more complex conditional structures.
  4. Discourse Markers:
    • Using connectors and transitional phrases for coherence in writing and speaking.
  5. Style and Nuance:
    • Understanding how grammar choices can impact style and convey different nuances.

Practice and Application:

  • Reading and Writing Exercises:
    • Apply grammar rules through reading and writing exercises.
  • Conversational Practice:
    • Engage in conversations to reinforce spoken grammar.
  • Feedback and Review:
    • Seek feedback on your writing and speaking to identify areas for improvement.

Please note that this course is prepared in short-notes style to help you tackle English Grammar using the 80/20 method. Remember, consistency and regular practice are key when learning a language. You can use this course as a roadmap to help you with your grammar lessons.
