How to Overcome Procrastination in 3 Simple Steps
How many times do you find yourself delaying doing an important task, preferring instead to go on social media, watch a movie or engage in any other activities that may bring you some form of short term pleasure?
In a world characterized by instant gratification, most of us have had, and probably still having trouble persuading ourselves to do things we should do, intentionally delaying or postponing important, meaningful tasks in favour of performing trivial activities – procrastinating.
What is procrastination?
Procrastination is when you put off doing something that you should be doing. It can be something as simple as putting off getting out of bed in the morning, or it can be something more important like putting off starting a project at work. Procrastination can have negative consequences like making you late for work or not getting a project done on time. It can also make you feel stressed and anxious. If you’re a chronic procrastinator, there are some things you can do to try to break the habit. Make a list of the things you need to do, set a timer, and start with the easiest task. Once you’ve started, it will be easier to keep going. You can also try to break down a big project into smaller tasks so it doesn’t seem so daunting.
Is procrastination ever a good thing?
Nothing good ever comes out of procrastination. An increased tendency to procrastinate has negative consequences; not only does it affect one’s quality of life, but it is also associated with depression, anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem, among others. Here are 3 simple steps to help you beat procrastination tendencies:
How do you stop procrastinating 321 trick?
The 321 trick is a simple way to stop procrastinating. You just need to set a goal for yourself, and then break it down into three simple steps. Once you have your three steps, you just need to start with the first one and do it for three minutes. Then, you move on to the second step and do it for two minutes. Finally, you finish with the last step and do it for one minute. This trick works because it makes your goal seem more achievable and less daunting.
What are the steps to overcome procrastination?
Step 1: Know what you want
Knowing what you want to achieve/accomplish in life ensures consistency in your actions while providing a means to visualize it. Focusing on the big picture will give you the motivation needed to work towards achieving what you want. Start by clearly defining your goals and then break this down into smaller achievable tasks.
Tip: It is always good practice to visually display your goals, so you have a point of reference. Whether it is through visual boards or physically writing down your goals, a point of reference allows you to have a clear vision of where you want to be, measure your performance daily, and implement corrective action if need be.
Step 2: Put In place a Productivity System
Imagine living in a world where their no expectations, limits, or boundaries for children. The chaos, the number of accidents, how many would wake up and go to school?
Clear structure not only helps children know the consequences of their actions but also teaches them how to behave. It ensures we remain consistent in what we say we will do, essentially, giving power to our words.
Put in place a set of rules and hold yourself responsible for a higher standard. Some of the actions known to work are:
- Putting an accountability system in place: This involves making the consequences of procrastination more immediate by creating additional responsibility that amplifies the appeal of getting the task done. Making a pre-commitment to a friend, colleague, or boss to get the job done by a specific time is an example of such a system. Accountability implies a commitment that you do not let yourself or your partner down.
- Setting up deadlines: For every task, set a specific timeline for when it should be done and schedule it into your calendar.
- Use a timer: Working in uninterrupted intervals will improve your focus by leaps. Commit to working for 30 uninterrupted minutes a day on a particular task that you have been putting off for years, and you will be amazed by the results.
Step 3: Celebrate small wins and be kind to yourself
Track your progress to experience the sense of accomplishment that comes from ticking things off your pending to-do lists; this will keep you motivated and fired up to keep going. In case of a lapse, don’t beat yourself up, forgive yourself instead and start again.
Better yet, schedule some ‘procrastination time’ into your day. Use this time to perform all the tasks that are keeping you away from what is truly important. Schedule time to watch TV to watch your favourite shows, go on social media or play games, so you are not tempted/distracted during the slots of time meant for working.
What is the 5 second rule of procrastination?
The 5 second rule is a method of procrastination that helps you get started on a task by giving yourself just 5 seconds to do it. Once you start, you usually find that you can keep going for much longer than 5 seconds. This technique can be useful for tasks that you have been putting off because they seem overwhelming. By breaking the task down into small, manageable chunks, you can make significant progress without feeling overwhelmed.
what causes procrastination?
There can be many different causes of procrastination. For some people, it may be due to a lack of motivation or interest in the task at hand. Procrastination can also be caused by anxiety or fear of failure. Some people may simply struggle with time management and find it difficult to get started on tasks. Whatever the cause, procrastination can be a frustrating habit to break.
In conclusion, it is paramount to understand your reasons for procrastinating; this will go a long way in ensuring that you always hold yourself accountable positively and compassionately.
Take the smallest steps, even when it’s the last thing you want to do. Be consistent in your actions, and always focus on the rewards. Eye on the ball always!
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This article is written by:

Nyamonaa Agata
Agata is a Business Advisory and Management Consultant, and Freelance Content Writer passionate about writing and developing content for marketing and educational purposes.