Is Consuming Organic Food Good for Health or The Environment?

Is Consuming Organic Food Good for Health or The Environment Netizen Me
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Is Consuming Organic Food Good for Health or The Environment Netizen Me

Is Consuming Organic Food Good for Health or The Environment?

A question that has been debated for ages is whether consuming organic food is good for the consumer’s health or benefits the environment. To fully grasp the concept, we must clearly understand how organic food is made. Food and produce grown through its natural process and without artificial growth hormones, pesticides, fertilizers, or bioengineered genes come under the category of organic food. Therefore, consuming produce 100% grown through the natural process has perks for your health and the environment.

Is organic food suitable for health?

Even though it is proven that organic food does not exceed in nutrients than usually grown produce, it still has its pros that are beneficial to your health. As organic food has less pesticide exposure, which has been linked directly to a higher risk of autism and ADHD in children, it is a more recommended type of food to eat if you can splurge on your groceries as it is a little on the pricey end. Moreover, pesticides also can increase the chances of developing Parkinson’s disease later on in life or having fertility issues/congenital disabilities. Also, organic meat is healthy because the animals are grown without being injected with hormones that harm the consumer’s body by creating an imbalance in hormone levels and causing problems such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in females.

Is organic food suitable for the environment?

There are numerous benefits of organic food to the environment, which makes it better than non-organic food. Firstly, the farmers using healthy nutrients and minerals to grow organic food helps maintain overall healthy biodiversity in the soil. Furthermore, the absence of chemicals and pesticides improves the health of the animals in that area and enhances the natural cycle of life and the environment. Another significant positive aspect of organic food is the decreased chemical runoff that pollutes our rivers and lakes and harms the environment by disrupting marine life. Moreover, the growth of organic food requires less irrigation and therefore is better for the environment as it converses water.

Is Consuming Organic Food Good for Health or The Environment?

It can be concluded that organic food is better for both humans and the environment. It is a fundamental law of nature not to disrupt its course as if you do; there will be consequences. Therefore, the most natural, pure, earthly type of food is organic, which has multiple advantages for the planet and those living on it.

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