Topic, Subject, and Object Markers

Particles are crucial for understanding the roles of words in a sentence. We’ll focus on 은/는 (topic marker), 이/가 (subject marker), and 을/를 (object marker).

Topic, Subject, and Object Markers in Korean

Topic Marker (은/는):

  • 은 (eun)/는 (neun): These particles indicate the topic of the sentence. Use “은” when the last letter of the preceding word ends in a consonant, and use “는” when it ends in a vowel.


  1. 나는 학생이에요 (Naneun haksaengieyo) – I am a student.
    • Here, “나” (I) is the subject, and “는” indicates it’s the topic.
  2. 커피는 맛있어요 (Keopineun masisseoyo) – Coffee is delicious.
    • In this sentence, “커피” (coffee) is the topic marked by “는.”

Subject Marker (이/가):

  • 이 (i)/가 (ga): These particles mark the subject of a sentence. Similar to the topic marker, use “이” after a consonant and “가” after a vowel.


  1. 그림이 예쁘다 (Geurimi yeppeuda) – The picture is pretty.
    • Here, “그림” (picture) is the subject marked by “이.”
  2. 고양이가 있다 (Goyangi ga issda) – There is a cat.
    • In this sentence, “고양이” (cat) is the subject marked by “가.”

Object Marker (을/를):

  • 을 (eul)/를 (reul): These particles mark the object of a sentence, the thing or person affected by the action. Use “을” after a consonant and “를” after a vowel.


  1. 책을 읽어요 (Chaeg-eul ilgeoyo) – I read a book.
    • Here, “책” (book) is the object marked by “을.”
  2. 사과를 먹어요 (Sagwareul meogeoyo) – I eat an apple.
    • In this sentence, “사과” (apple) is the object marked by “를.”

Practice Sentences:

  1. 나는 한국어를 배워요 (Naneun hangugeo reul baewoyo) – I am learning Korean.
  2. 여름에는 바다가 시원해요 (Yeoreumeneun badaga siwonhaeyo) – In summer, the sea is cool.
  3. 컴퓨터를 사용해요 (Keompyuteo reul sayonghaeyo) – I use the computer.
  4. 꽃이 예쁘다 (Kkoci yeppeuda) – The flower is beautiful.
  5. 노래를 부르지 마세요 (Noraereul bureuji maseyo) – Don’t sing the song.