Patrons of Art in the Renaissance Period
Historically, art would remain only a minuscule fragment of what it is today if it didn’t enjoy massive support of patrons.
Historically, art would remain only a minuscule fragment of what it is today if it didn’t enjoy massive support of patrons.
City of Curitiba is one of the greenest in the world. Sustainability is key in this success story.
City of Curitiba: A Model of Sustainable City Growth and Quality Urban Planning Read Post »
Ancient Greece was a cluster of poleis, city-states with independent governments. The main objective of these forms was to establish
Roman Provinces A Roman province was a piece of land that was governed by Rome and the Empire was divided
Provinces – Territorial Subdivisions of The Roman Empire Read Post »
Defining the relationship between classical Roman art and early Christian art would hardly be possible without the mention of Roman
The Influence of Classical Rome Art and Architecture on Christian Art and Architecture Read Post »
The Parthenon and Pantheon were built with the sole purpose of them serving as temples to the Greek and Roman gods – the former in honor of Athena and the latter dedicated to all Greek gods.
Plebeians were the underprivileged general citizens as opposed to the Patricians. But why were Plebeians so important to Rome?
End of the Athenian Golden Age How did the Athenian Golden Age end? The Classical Period or Golden Age of
An overview Between the Statue of Memi and Sabu and the Statue of Gudea What is the Statue of Memi
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Slavery had a significant role in the entire archaic Roman history. As the great conquerer, Rome captured many prisoners of
Housing and Homes in Ancient Rome The ancient Romans had a unique way of constructing their homes and public buildings.
Roman Housing Styles – Roman Domestic Architecture Read Post »
In the modern world, concrete and arches remain of significant importance. Concrete is the most widely used construction material globally,