Planning to Travel to Sri Lanka?
With thе еnd of thе thirtу уеаrs of сivil wаr, Sri Lanka is rapidly becoming a hоt spot fоr tourists.
Sri Lanka was ranked the top country for travel in 2019 by Lonely Planet. It boasts of ѕеvеn wоrld hеritаgе ѕitеѕ, numеrоuѕ wildlife раrkѕ, ѕhоррing malls in thе main сitу that оffеr itеmѕ fоr аn attractive prize, sun bаthing аnd ѕеа bathing in the beaches ѕurrоunding the iѕlаnd аnd a whоlе lot mоrе.
You might bе wоndеring thоugh, whаt уоu саn do соnсrеtеlу, in уоur оwn ѕmаll wау, to bе a rеѕроnѕiblе tоuriѕt аnуtimе уоu travel. аnd it iѕ аlwауѕ a gооd idеа to bе infоrmеd аbоut thе рlасе уоu are viѕiting bеfоrе.
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions when planning to travel to Sri Lanka.
When is the best time to visit Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka is an all year round travel paradise.
If you like to explore local culture influenced by Buddhism the best time to visit is from May to August. That is the time when the majority of Buddhist festivals are celebrated including Wesak.
June marks the Katharagama festive season which celebrates one of the guardian deities in Sri Lanka, God Katharagama who is also identified as God Murugan in Hindu tradition.
If you want to enjoy the sandy beaches in Sri Lanka October to March is most promising as the However, the sea will be calmer from January to March.
April is the most festive month as Sri Lankans celebrate the traditional new year.
How can I apply for Visa?
If you are travelling for less than 30 days you can apply for ETA online. Some countries are eligible for Visa on Arrival as well.
However, any foreign national who will be visiting Sri Lanka for a short period is required to apply ETA and ensure pre-approval before the journey to avoid unnecessary delays at the port of entry and adhere to enhanced pre-clearance.
Read more at the official government website: URL
Is it safe to visit Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka started rebuilding after winning the civil war against terrorism in 2009. As with any country, general precautions to ensure safety should be taken, Sri Lanka is fairly safe to travel to.
In 2019, Islamist extremists bombed several hotels and churches on Easter Sunday. However, local enforcement acted fast and security was tightened. Countries including US, France and UK issued a level 2 travel advisory. But please be aware of the recent incidents happening in Sri Lanka related to the economic crisis and public protests. Please check the security measures such as curfews imposed by the authorities which are subjected to frequent changes.
What injections do I need for Sri Lanka?
Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, rabies, polio and tetanus are recommended by WHO. Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, you are required to be fully vaccinated.
How many days is enough to explore Sri Lanka?
You can spend about 9 to 10 days in Sri Lanka to explore the most famous destinations if your schedule is tight. However, you can plan your trip according to your schedule as Sri Lanka has countless destinations to explore.
What Money do I need for Sri Lanka?
Sri Lankan rupees (LKR) are the currency in Sri Lanka. Please note that there are strict limits to the amount of Sri Lankan rupees you can carry in or out of the country. There are money exchange services available in the airport as well as in major cities. ATM facilities and Visa and MasterCard payments are also available almost everywhere in Sri Lanka.
What are the countries applying for the ETA fee waiver program?
1. Thailand
2. Iceland
3. the United Kingdom
4. the United States of America
5. Japan
6. Australia
7. South Korea
8. Canada
9. Singapore
10. New Zealand
11. Malaysia
12. Switzerland
13. Cambodia
14. China
15. India
16. Indonesia
17. Israel
18. Ukraine
19. the Philippines
20. Russia
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