Innovations In Location-based Social Media
With the ubiquity that the internet offers, social media platforms are rapidly becoming saturated and noisy. The millions of users posting content to and consuming content from social media sites each day provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to find and reach their target audiences. Still, this pitfall is that the marketing message may not be conveyed effectively to the users who are most likely to be converted into actual customers. As such, it is often the case that regardless of the quality and content of the marketing message, marketing efforts are lost in the noise and fall short of the true potential that can be reaped from social media platforms. For this purpose, companies must narrow their focus and streamline efforts to get the best results.
Enter: Location-based Social Media.
Many companies are focusing on their online presence. Moreover, they are using the same old mundane and uninspired marketing channels for their brick and mortar stores. An online presence is a must in the age of the internet. Therefore, companies must avoid the mistake of considering their business’ location important. In fact, it can be argued that the location of a business is more important than ever before.
How do you think location-based features in social media enhance their services?
Location-based social media marketing helps companies use geo-specific tools to determine the parameters around a business. These parameters show what is being posted online with these boundaries, who is posting it, and whether these users can be converted into business customers. This, then, helps marketers tweak and adapt their digital and print marketing campaigns.
What is innovations in location-based social media?
Location-based social media marketing has been around for a while now. As a result, recent innovations in these tools have elevated local marketing to the next level. Take the example of ByteLight, which took traditional GPS – commonly used for navigation- and used it to track how customers move about within a servicescape. It tracks customers using LED lights. The customers then, use the ByteLight app to explore the store and interact with it. Doing so allows businesses to analyze and profile customers accurately and give them incentives to visit the store in the form of coupons and discounts.
Another example of a novel way of integrating location-based social media marketing is the research carried out at Carnegie Mellon University that allows tracking of the online usage of inhabitants of a locality by collecting geographic and demographic data. Businesses adopting this use of location-based social media marketing could benefit from understanding exactly who their target audience is, thereby directing the company’s marketing efforts and catering to the needs of the right customer effectively.
Collecting information from mobile wallets
Finally, another innovation in location-based media is collecting information from mobile wallets. Mobile wallets are essentially a way to store money, gift cards, tickets, vouchers, etc.- all in one place; usually mobile apps such as Google Wallet, Passbook, Gyft, and so on. Businesses can offer unique sales promotions to customers based on their consumer profiles by tracking information on these apps. These coupons and gift cards can often only be redeemed by visiting the location of the business. By doing so, companies can hyperfocus their marketing efforts on the right customer and ultimately enjoy higher conversion rates and sales numbers.
Check the following reference articles to learn more about the Innovations In Location-based Social Media:
- Honigman, B. (2013, January 9). How Location-Based Social Networks Are Changing the Game for Businesses. Entrepreneur. (URL)
- How to Boost Conversion at Every Stage of Sales Funnel
- Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Empowerment, and PR
- Impact of Personal and Demographic Factors on Purchase Decisions
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