Knowledge Netizen Writing Style Guide

Therapeutic Potential in Blogging

At Knowledge Netizen, we are committed to providing our readers with clear, concise, and valuable educational content. Whether you’re crafting an article or any other form of content, please adhere to these guidelines to ensure that our readers receive the information they need in a way that is easy to understand and navigate.

This writing style guide and quality checks are expected to be followed by our guest authors while writing for Knowledge Netizen.

Knowledge Netizen Writing Style Guide – In summary

  • Essay writing style. Active voice is preferred.
  • The word count is a minimum of 800 words.
  • Use simple, clear, and straightforward language.
  • Employ shorter sentences and minimize abstract concepts to convey thoughts and ideas effectively.
  • Writing should remain fact-driven, yet the writer can incorporate opinionated language to convey a perspective.
  • Academic blog posts should use evidence and analysis and provide APA citations where needed.
  • While aiming for general language over specialized jargon, employing technical terminology is acceptable when essential.
  • Steer clear of clichés, anecdotes, and overuse of adjectives and adverbs.

Guidelines for Writing Educational Content on Knowledge Netizen

01. Stay Relevant to the Topic:

Stay focused on the topic at hand when creating content. Avoid straying too far from the main subject, and use links strategically to provide access to related content on our website.

02. Keep Headlines and Paragraphs Scannable:

Readers often scan content to find the necessary information quickly. Therefore, ensure that your headlines are short, descriptive, and parallel to aid in scanning. Additionally, keep paragraphs short and concise to maintain reader engagement.

03. Strive for Simplicity and Clarity:

  • Use clear and straightforward language, avoiding complex words, gerunds, and hard-to-translate idioms.
  • Focus on the specific task or topic, and limit the number of sentences per paragraph to 3-4.
  • To enhance readability, aim for sentences of 20 words or less.

04. Incorporate Transition Words:

To guide the flow of your content and improve coherence, incorporate transition words into at least 30% of your sentences. Transition words like “furthermore,” “however,” and “meanwhile” help to connect ideas and improve the overall readability of your content.

05. Use Active Voice and Avoid Jargon:

Write in active voice to ensure clarity and directness. Avoid passive voice constructions, slang, and jargon. Instead, opt for plain English that all readers easily understand.

06. Write Positively and Engage the Reader:

Use positive language to convey your message effectively. Instead of focusing on what readers shouldn’t do, emphasize what they can do and how they can benefit. Engage the reader by addressing their needs and interests directly.

07. Empower, Respect, Educate, and Guide:

All content should aim to empower, respect, educate, and guide our readers. Provide valuable information that helps readers understand the topic, respects their intelligence, and guides them toward taking action or making informed decisions.

08. Speak Truth and Maintain Authenticity:

Be truthful and authentic in your content. Avoid exaggerated claims or dramatic storytelling and focus on providing verifiable facts and value to our readers.

09. Be Clear, Useful, Friendly, and Appropriate:

Ensure your content is clear, applicable, friendly, and appropriate for the intended audience and context. Write in a warm, human tone, adapting your language and style to suit the situation and reader.

10. Write for All Readers and Focus Your Message:

Consider our audience’s varying reading habits and organize your content effectively to cater to all readers. Group related ideas together, use descriptive and subheaders, and focus your message by leading with the main point or critical information.

11. Be Concise, Specific, and Consistent:

Keep your content concise by using short words and sentences, avoiding unnecessary modifiers, and cutting out fluff. Be specific in your language, avoid vague or ambiguous terms, and maintain consistency in copy patterns and style points throughout your content.

By following these guidelines, you can create educational content that informs, engages, and empowers our readers while upholding the values of the Knowledge Netizen website.

Here’s a useful guide for writing:

Quality Check

Apart from adhering to the Knowledge Netizen Writing Style Guide, every article is subjected to the following checks:

  • score must be less than 30%
  • – The score must be less than 30%
  • Plagiarism score must be less than 20% (We check via Grammarly)