Popular Customer Payment Types In Post Pandemic World NetizenMe online magazine

Popular Customer Payment Types In Post Pandemic World

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Popular Customer Payment Types In Post Pandemic World NetizenMe online magazine

Popular Customer Payment Types In Post Pandemic World

In the unprecedented times brought on by the pandemic, life as many people around the world knew was upended. Activities as mundane as going shopping soon became a thing of the recent past as social-distancing and no-contact mandates were rolled out by governing bodies across the globe. In such circumstances, it was imperative to integrate new modes of payment that would eliminate the need for the contact that occurs when cash changes hands. To meet the emerging needs of the market, methods of payment that are either entirely novel or have been around for a while but not in widespread use are starting to surface. 

Credit Cards 

Indeed, credit cards have been around for quite a while and are in mainstream use in many parts of the world. Further, they have played a vital role in helping families and individuals stay afloat during these uncertain times. Mass layoffs in many industries threatened the livelihood of millions. However, using credit cards to make payments for necessities has allowed many to defer the need for cash up-front for a little bit longer. Not only do credit cards come in handy when shopping in stores, but they also make it easier for customers to shop from the comfort of their homes while still complying with social-distancing regulations. 


Many people may or may not be aware of what e-wallets are and how they work. Still, the fact that they serve the same purpose and utility as credit cards make them another go-to payment option for many in the post-pandemic world. The only difference is, that e-wallets are strictly for online and mobile-based transactions only. They are essentially digital wallets that contain one’s payment information. People can use this information to process payments through the holder’s bank- to which they are linked. Just like credit cards, e-wallets have made online shopping much more efficient and convenient. 

Smart Cards

Smart Cards are hand-held cards, usually the size of a credit card, that have embedded in them a small chip. This chip acts as a security token and contains the holder’s information. They work by exchanging this information with external card readers, which then transfer this information to the intended destination. The information is used to authenticate payments. In the post-pandemic world, customers can make great use of contactless smart cards that exchange information only through radio frequencies over the link established between the reader and the chip. (Rosencrance & Cobb, 2018) 

Mobile Applications 

Last, but not least, of the most popular payment methods are applications that can be found on almost every individual’s smartphone these days. Some of the most widely known and used applications include Apple Pay, Venmo, CashApp, PayPal, Google Pay, and a long list many others. The popularity of apps that allow payments through mobile phones has sky-rocketed in recent years. That’s primarily because they are user-friendly and process payments at lightning speeds. During the pandemic, too, mobile apps have made not only online and physical shopping easier, but have enabled easier person-to-person transactions. Indeed, this has allowed people to send and receive money from loved ones in these turbulent times. 

Check the following reference articles to learn more about the Popular Customer Payment Types In Post Pandemic World 

  1. Rosencrance, L., & Cobb, M. (2018, November 30). Smart card.
  2. SearchSecurity. https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/smart-card 
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