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Techniques to Shift from Individual to Corporate Foresight

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As business environments become increasingly complex, leaders need to develop the ability to think beyond their own needs and objectives. This requires a shift in orientation from individual to corporate foresight. In this article, we will explore strategies and methods for transitioning from an individual-oriented perspective to corporate foresight.

Techniques to Transition from Individual Orientation to Corporate Foresight

Several techniques can help make this transition from Individual Orientation to Corporate Foresight. One is to develop a shared understanding of the organization’s purpose, values, and goals. This can be achieved through regular communication and consultation with employees. Another technique is to create opportunities for employees to work collaboratively on projects that require them to think about the organization as a whole. Finally, leaders can encourage employees to take part in decision-making processes, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility for the direction of the organization.


Aikido is a Japanese martial art that can be applied to leadership. The word aikido means “the way of harmonious spirit.” Aikido is all about using your opponent’s energy against them. In leadership, this can be applied to diffusing difficult situations. When someone is being confrontational, you can use their energy to defuse the situation and find a peaceful resolution. Aikido can be used for self-defense, but it is also a way to build character and improve one’s leadership skills. The discipline teaches patience, awareness, and how to stay calm under pressure, all of which are valuable qualities for any leader.


The SMART system is a popular framework for goal setting. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This system can be used to set personal or professional goals. When setting a goal using the SMART system, it is important to be clear and concise about what you want to achieve. You should also establish measurable benchmarks so that you can track your progress. Additionally, your goal should be achievable and realistic, taking into account your current circumstances. Finally, you should set a deadline for yourself so that you can stay on track. This framework provides a clear and concise structure for setting goals that can be easily tracked and achieved. By breaking down goals into smaller pieces, leaders can ensure that they are making steady progress towards their objectives.

DELPHI Analysis

DELPHI analysis is a tool that can be used by leaders to help groups make decisions. It is often used by businesses when reaching a consensus is important but difficult. The process begins with the group leader collecting opinions from all group members. These opinions are then anonymously shared with all members, who are asked to provide their own feedback. This feedback is used to develop a final set of options that are then presented to the group for a vote. After all the information is gathered, it is analyzed and then a decision is made. The DELPHI technique can help groups make better decisions by ensuring that all voices are heard and considered. This method can be used when there is not enough information to make a decision, or when there is disagreement among the experts.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a popular tool used by business leaders to assess an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By taking a close look at all four areas, leaders can develop strategies for overcoming challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. The SWOT analysis can also help leaders anticipate potential threats that could impact the organization. It is a powerful tool that can be used to make strategic decisions and understand the potential risks and rewards of different courses of action.


STAR is a term that stands for “situation, task, action, and result.” It is often used in the business world to describe the process of goal setting.

  1. The first step is to identify the situation or task that needs to be completed.
  2. The second step is to develop a plan of action to complete the task. The third step is to take action and implement the plan.
  3. The last step is to evaluate the results of the actions taken.

The STAR approach to leadership is a framework that focuses on creating a shared vision, building team trust, and developing effective strategies. This approach emphasizes the importance of building relationships and working collaboratively to achieve goals. The STAR approach is effective in improving team performance and developing leaders at all levels. This framework can help you identify what worked well and what didn’t work so well, so you can learn from your mistakes and become a better leader.

GROW approach

The GROW approach is a simple yet effective framework for thinking about leadership challenges. It stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way forward.

  1. The first step is to identify the goal or desired outcome.
  2. The second step is to assess the current reality, including any obstacles or constraints.
  3. The third step is to generate options or possible solutions.
  4. The fourth and final step is to identify the best way forward and take action.

This approach can be used for both personal and professional leadership challenges. The idea behind this approach is that leaders need to help their team members set and achieve goals. They also need to be aware of the current reality, explore different options, and then decide on the best way forward. This approach can be used in a variety of situations, and it can help leaders create a more cohesive and effective team.

Difference between aforementioned-Leadership Terms

There are many different approaches to leadership, and each has its own set of terminology. Aikido, SMART, DELPHI Analysis, SWOT Analysis, STAR, and GROW are all different approaches that have their own specific terms.

  • Aikido is a Japanese martial art that relies on redirecting the opponent’s energy rather than meeting it head-on.
  • SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
  • DELPHI Analysis is a process used to gather expert opinions on a particular issue.
  • SWOT Analysis is a tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company or project.
  • The STAR approach is a framework for solving problems that involve breaking down a problem into smaller pieces to better understand it.
  • The GROW approach is a problem-solving method that involves setting goals, researching options, making decisions, taking action, and monitoring results.

These varieties of leadership terms are used to help analyze and produce the best possible outcome for a company. contrasting leadership styles may help determine which would work best for your team or project.

Examples of a decision that did not bring expected benefits

In business, there are many examples of decisions that did not bring the expected benefits to organizations. Some of these decisions were due to poor planning, while others were simply bad decisions. However, one of the most common mistakes is downsizing. This is when an organization cuts costs by reducing the number of employees. While this may seem like a good idea at first, it often leads to problems later on. Employees may become resentful and productivity may suffer. In some cases, it may even lead to bankruptcy.


Uber has come under fire for its bad downsizing decisions. The company decided to fire its employees via Zoom, which many people felt was a cold and impersonal way to do it. Uber has been struggling financially due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So it decided to downsize. In what can only be described as a PR disaster, close to 4,000 employees were fired via a Zoom call. The call lasted only a few minutes, during which time the employees were informed that their positions had been eliminated. Many of the employees were in shock and did not have time to process what was happening. One can only imagine how difficult it must have been for them to be told that they no longer had a job, especially in such an impersonal way. This decision has caused a lot of backlash, and Uber will likely have a hard time recovering from it.

Many people were left unemployed after Uber’s bad downsizing decision. The company had to face a lot of backlash from the public. They received criticism for the way they handled the situation and for the decisions they made. Many people believe that Uber could have handled the situation better. Many of the affected employees were very upset, and some even filed lawsuits. The firing also caused a lot of bad publicity for Uber, and it lost many customers as a result. Uber had to issue an apology and try to smooth things over with its remaining employees.

Uber made a mistake when it downsized its workforce via Zoom. Instead of downsizing, Uber should have taken a different approach. They could have implemented a new decision-making process that would have allowed for more transparency and communication between employees. Additionally, they could have listed possible positive outcomes of the change to gain employee buy-in. There are other ways to handle this situation.

For example, the company could have communicated the decision to employees in person. This would have given them a chance to voice their concerns and ask questions. Additionally, the company could have offered severance packages or help with finding new jobs. Finally, Uber could have implemented a phased downsizing process to minimize the impact on employees. While downsizing is never an easy decision, there are ways to make it less painful for everyone involved. If done correctly, it can even have some positive outcomes. For example, it can help the company save money and improve efficiency. Additionally, it can help employees gain new skills and experiences.

New Coke (1985):

The Coca-Cola Company’s decision to reformulate its flagship beverage as “New Coke” was met with strong public backlash. Consumers did not embrace the new taste, and the company eventually had to reintroduce the original formula as Coca-Cola Classic.

Microsoft’s Windows 8 (2012):

Microsoft’s introduction of Windows 8, with its radical departure from the traditional desktop interface, did not resonate well with users. The decision to prioritize touch-screen functionality for desktop users led to criticism and a decline in user satisfaction.

Kodak’s Resistance to Digital Photography:

Kodak, once a dominant player in the photography industry, failed to embrace digital photography quickly enough. The company hesitated to shift from film to digital, leading to a decline in market share and eventual bankruptcy.

Blockbuster’s Rejection of Streaming Services:

Blockbuster’s decision to pass on acquiring or partnering with streaming services like Netflix proved detrimental. Blockbuster underestimated the shift in consumer behavior towards online streaming, leading to the decline of its once-dominant video rental business.

Yahoo’s Rejection of Microsoft’s Acquisition Offer (2008):

Yahoo’s decision to reject Microsoft’s acquisition offer in 2008 at a premium price turned out to be a missed opportunity. Yahoo’s subsequent struggles and decreasing market value showcased the impact of this decision on the company’s long-term prospects.

Transition from Individual Orientation to Corporate Foresight – Conclusion

Making good decisions is crucial for any leader, but it is especially important when it comes to helping others develop corporate foresight. This is because part of developing corporate foresight is being able to identify future trends and opportunities, and this requires sound judgment and a clear understanding of the current situation. Inspiring and motivating others is also essential for any leader, but it is especially important when trying to achieve agreed-upon and planned outcomes. This is because getting people to buy into a shared vision and work towards common goals requires a lot of motivation and inspiration.


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Channell, M. (2022, June 10). SWOT analysis: A complete guide for leaders and managers. TSW Training. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from

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Sunter, A., & Marini, L. (n.d.). Leadership Lessons from Aikido with Andrew.

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