How Products and Services meet Maslows Needs NetizenMe online magazine

How Products and Services meet Maslow’s Needs

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Human needs are infinite and constantly changing. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs states that the desire for the next level surfaces when one need is met. The hierarchy, developed by Abraham Maslow, a social psychologist, explains the connection between human needs and desires. It contends that people act to satisfy their unmet needs.

What are Maslow’s five hierarchy categories?

Maslow’s hierarchy has five categories: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization.

Physiological needs

Also known as basic human needs, “there are biological requirements for human survival including air, food, water, shelter, air, clothing, sleep, sex, and warmth” (Mcleod, 2020). The body cannot function optimally if these needs are not met.

Food, affordable housing, clean water, and clothing are products and services that physically satisfy survival needs.

Safety needs

Safety or security needs become paramount once individuals have satisfied their basic physical needs. As McLeod (2020) highlights, people inherently desire order, predictability, and control. These safety needs include protection from violence and theft, emotional stability, health security, and financial well-being.

Products and services that address these safety needs are abundant in the marketplace. Examples include insurance policies, immunizations and vaccines, law enforcement services, medical care, and stable employment opportunities. When marketing these offerings, it is crucial for campaigns to convey a sense of assurance to potential customers.

For instance, a security company might emphasize its quick response times in addressing theft, robbery, or intrusion. By showcasing their commitment to protecting clients, companies can effectively communicate the value of their services in fulfilling customers’ safety needs. Additionally, marketing strategies should highlight the peace of mind that comes with these products, reinforcing that consumers are making a sound choice in investing in their safety and security. By addressing these needs, businesses can build trust and establish lasting relationships with their customers, ensuring that their services resonate on a deeper, more personal level.

Social needs

Social (love and belonging) needs related to human interaction, including the need for friendships and family bonds—the need to share and connect with others. Sources of social connection include professional clubs, religious groups, and social media, among others. Without these connections, people can be vulnerable to psychological difficulties such as anxiety and depression, impairing their ability to address physiological needs.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have revolutionized how individuals socialize and interact. Shivangi (2020) noted that these platforms serve as ideal venues for connecting with others, allowing users to share their thoughts, experiences, and daily activities. By engaging in social media, individuals can experience a sense of belonging, whether they are aware of it or not. Kang (2013) highlights that “either consciously or unconsciously, you’ll feel a sense of belonging by partaking in this group mentality of social sharing.” This group mentality fosters connections, facilitating relationships among users with similar interests and values.

Many companies recognize the significance of social needs and create brand communities that resonate with their customers. These communities allow individuals to feel part of something larger than themselves, fulfilling their social needs. Brands like Harley Davidson, Starbucks, and Apple exemplify this approach, as they have successfully cultivated passionate and loyal communities around their products. For instance, Harley-Davidson sells motorcycles and fosters a lifestyle and camaraderie among its customers. Similarly, Starbucks creates a welcoming atmosphere encouraging social interactions among its patrons. Apple cultivates a sense of belonging through its dedicated user base, promoting a shared identity among its customers. These companies enhance customer loyalty and brand affinity by satisfying social needs, ultimately contributing to their long-term success.

Esteem needs

Esteem needs play a vital role in human motivation and is fundamentally driven by the ego. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, esteem needs encompass the desire for recognition and validation from oneself and others. As Kang (2013) states, “Esteem is the desire to be recognized and rewarded for your achievements either internally or externally or even both.” This desire for acknowledgment is crucial for personal and professional development, emphasizing the importance of self-esteem and external validation in achieving overall satisfaction.

Maslow further categorized esteem needs into two distinct groups. The first category is esteem for oneself, which includes dignity, achievement, mastery, and independence. These internal accomplishments contribute significantly to an individual’s self-worth and confidence. The second category pertains to the desire for reputation or respect from others, encapsulating status and prestige. According to Kang (2013), this aspect reflects how individuals seek acknowledgment and respect in their social and professional circles. Thus, esteem needs are essential for fostering personal growth and establishing meaningful social connections.

Products and services that cater to these needs include luxury experiences, opportunities to master something, or gain recognition. More specific examples include luxury cars and watches. Companies offering these can appeal to esteem by positioning themselves as a symbol of a person’s status and something that people of a high status use/have.


Self-actualization, often called self-fulfillment needs, represents the pursuit of realizing one’s full potential. This concept encompasses a variety of personal development pursuits, including education, skill development, and the refinement of individual talents. People seek to excel in various areas, such as music, athletics, design, and cooking. Additionally, self-actualization can manifest through experiences like traveling to new places, winning awards, or even starting a political career. Ultimately, these broader goals contribute to an individual’s sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Online learning platforms like Udemy are crucial in satisfying self-actualization needs. Shivangi (2020) noted that these platforms offer a wide range of courses that enable individuals to learn and grow. Udemy empowers learners to enhance their skills and knowledge in various fields by providing access to diverse educational resources. Whether someone is looking to develop a new hobby, advance their career, or explore personal interests, online learning platforms create opportunities for personal and professional growth. This accessibility supports individuals in their journey toward self-fulfillment, helping them to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals. Through such resources, people can take significant steps toward realizing their aspirations, contributing to their overall sense of achievement and satisfaction.

In summary, “the order of needs might be flexible based on external circumstances or individual differences” (Mcleod, 2020). Therefore, marketers must understand the target market’s needs and wants and unique circumstances to run successful campaigns.

Check the following reference articles to learn more about How Products and Services meet Maslow’s Needs.

  1. Kang, P. (2013, September 30). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Marketing. Trionic Media. (URL)
  2. Mcleod, S. (2020, December 29). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Simply Psychology. (URL)
  3. S., & Shivangi, V. A. P. B. (2020, August 30). Products/Brands that satisfy Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Shivangi. (URL)

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