Nymphs of Sigiriya – The Sigiri Frescoes
During the 5th Century AD, the city of Sigiriya in the island nation of Sri Lanka laid ahead, conjuring the virtues of the great city of gods, the Alamakanda. At least this is what the then ruler, King Kashyapa wanted.
The Nymphs of Sigiriya can be referred to as the Sigiri Frescoes and these well-drawn paintings depict sheer purity. This always recaptured the attention of visitors and admirers through both elements of space and scenery.
The people of Sigiriya like their king to savour the feeling of love and beauty which is crisply conveyed in the artworks. The use of red colour is to represent warmth. The gold colours, on the other hand, seamlessly highlight the abundance of exotic pieces of jewellery. In fact, those pieces were adorned by the ladies of the palace.
Some of these brilliant rock paintings take us further into a world of the supernatural, depicting the omnipotent powers of the city and the vibrant corners of the citadel. The nymphs shown are life-sized, created in human form, and wore elegant head gears and bangles. And sometimes, it’s highlighted by shades of green.
Read more about Sigiriya and the Sigiri frescoes here.
Most of them are believed to be celestial bodies that are tasked with protecting the fortress. Indeed, the Sigiriya Frescoes are one of the oldest art galleries in recorded history.
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