Since its inception by Facebook in 2015, React is one of the most widely used and popular front-end development frameworks up to the present. Its wonderful performance and it’s being highly responsive to web apps make it a favorite among developers and organizations alike. What are the React developer skills one should possess to become an effective React developer? Let’s find out.
The Essential Skills Needed in React.JS Development When it comes to the skills necessary for developing React.JS applications, it’s equally important to know React best practices. With React, possessing the right React developer skills is an absolute must. Moreover, a React.JS development company is on the lookout for the skills that give them a competitive edge.
- A front-end developer is no stranger to HTML and CSS. The ability to work with and build user interfaces is paramount to every organization. React developers, at a high level, should be able to:
- Work and write with CSS selectors
- Implement a CSS reset
- Work and write with semantic HTML tags
- Comprehension of flexbox
- Understand the box model and knows how to reset to border-box
- Work with and implement responsive web principles, which include the right use of media queries
Fundamentals of JavaScript and ES6
In React best practices, it’s important to note that developing React solutions is not successful without a firm understanding of the fundamental concepts that JavaScript provides. However, the following are some of the ES6 skills that are essential as well:
a. Scoping and variables
Understanding when and where you have access to needed data is crucial. The variables are the mechanism built into JavaScript, which enables holding onto data in memory and access to that data later on with applications. ES6 brought new keywords that could be used for storing variables other than the traditional ‘var’ keyword, such as ‘let’ and ‘const’.
b. Objects and arrays
React suggests a pattern that the ‘view is a function of the state’ State is the data that you want to showcase to users or items in memory that we could access to enable users to interact with data. The array methods are essential tools in every toolbox of every React.JS developer. For maximum impact, focus on ‘filter’, ‘map’, and ‘reduce’.
c. Functions and arrow functions
Every single component you build in React is one way or another a function. Keep in mind that ‘classes’ are simply ‘constructor functions’ under the hood. Whatever syntax you’re using, when creating ‘functional components’ or ‘class components’, you will have to use some form of function. These fundamentals are very important.
You never really touch HTML properly with React. You work with a syntax extension that’s truly one of the most remarkable parts of the React space. JSK looks a lot like HTML. What’s cool about it is that if you know CSS and HTML, you would know how to work with JSX intuitively.
On top of the React.createElement()API, JSX is an abstraction. One reason it’s necessary to the library and why the React team opts to go with it in the first place is that the API will be too cumbersome to use when it comes to scaling.
When it comes to React developer skills, Git is an essential toolkit for every developer. It’s great for storing on solutions, such as Bitbucket, GitHub, and Gitlab. The skills that should be part of your daily tasks include:
- Keeping track of the changes with commit, add, push, and pull
- Handling merge conflicts
- Merging and branching strategies
React has in-built state management. Furthermore, a lot of developers have been burned along the way by discovering the state asynchronicity updates and how React handles them. Thus, Redux was born. It’s a state management library and more. Rather than a framework, it’s an opinionated way of working with data. The principles behind it are functional programming and immutability lines. It is, however, not a one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to master the fundamental React programming concepts before diving into Redux.
Node and NPM
To many, Node may come as a surprise. Why should you know how to work with Node to become a client-side React developer? Although you could pull React into any HTML file, there would be a lot of other packages out there that would enable you to extend the React library. Developers should have a strong understanding of the npm registry. This is the go-to place for software developers to build software. It may seem funny, but indeed, NPM is the norm. Yarn is a package manager created to use the NPM registry.
It actually optimizes the NPM workflows. These days, Yarn and NPM are somewhat in competition. However, the mission of Yarn is to resolve a lot of issues accepted in the Node/NPM space. Furthermore, NPM has been doing everything to adhere to the patterns and the React best practices.
An Overview of Some of the React Best Practices
Using Functional Hooks and Components rather than classes
Class or functional components could be used with React. However, you should use functional hooks and components more often since they result in more readable and concise code than classes.
Refrain from Using State
React state monitors data that when changed triggers the React component to re-render. Avoid using state as much as possible when building React apps. This is because the more state you use, the more data you have to keep tabs across the app.
Organize files related to the same component in a single folder
Go for a component-centric one when deciding on the structure of a project. This means you have all the files about one component in a single folder. A single folder that has all the component files makes reusing, sharing, and debugging easier.
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When looking for a React.JS developer, it’s important to determine your skills and experience. The React developer skills mentioned above are the must-haves for every developer. Furthermore, a good developer should also adhere to the best practices at all times.
This article is written by:

Michael Smith
Michael Smith is a full-stack developer in a software development company. When he is not working you find him writing on different tech topics