Beginners Guide to Using Instagram Direct Message (DM) for Business

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Many businesses have been using Instagram Stories, Reels, and Ads for digital marketing. But there’s one feature that is often overlooked: the Direct Message. Instagram DMs are a powerful tool for connecting directly with your audience, building relationships, and even closing more sales

Using DMs for a business purpose might sound a bit personal. But, at the end of the day, it all depends on how you use it and the value you provide. A thoughtful, well-crafted message can turn a casual follower into a loyal customer. We’ll dive into some best practices for using Instagram DMs for your business.

Using Instagram Direct Message (DM) for Business

Personalize Your Messages

One of the most effective ways to use Instagram DMs for business is by personalizing your messages. Generic responses can feel impersonal and may not resonate well with your audience. Instead, take the time to address the recipient by their name. For example, start your message with “Hi [Name],” instead of a bland “Hello.”

Next, mention something specific about their profile or recent activity. If they’ve recently posted a picture of their latest vacation, you might say, “Hi [Name], I saw your recent trip to Bali! The photos are stunning.” This shows that you’ve taken the time to notice their content and are genuinely interested in them.

Personalized messages can go beyond just a name and a comment. If a follower has previously interacted with your posts or stories, acknowledge that interaction. For example, “Hi [Name], I noticed you liked our latest post about our new product line. Thanks for your support! Is there anything specific you liked about it?”

Another effective strategy is to tailor your message based on their interests or needs. If a follower has expressed interest in a particular product or service you offer, you can craft your message to provide more information about that product, offer a special discount, or invite them to an exclusive event related to their interest.

Set Automated Responses

While personalization is key, using automated responses can help manage high volumes of DMs efficiently. However, the key is to use them wisely to maintain a balance between efficiency and personalization.

1. Set Up Quick Replies

Instagram allows you to save frequently used responses as quick replies. For example, if you often receive inquiries about your business hours, you can create a quick reply with the information. To do this, go to Settings > Business > Quick Replies. When you receive a common question, you can respond promptly without typing the same message repeatedly.

2. Create an Initial Welcome Message

Set up an automated welcome message for new followers or first-time DMers. This can be a friendly greeting that introduces your business and lets them know you’re available to assist. For example, “Hi there! Thanks for reaching out to [Your Business]. How can we assist you today?”

3. Provide Menu Options

You can use automated responses to guide users through a set of menu options based on common queries. For example, “Hi! Please reply with the number that matches your query: 1. Product information, 2. Order status, 3. Customer support.” This helps direct the conversation efficiently without losing the personal touch.

4. Follow Up on Inquiries

Automation can help ensure that no inquiry goes unanswered. Set up a follow-up message for any DM that hasn’t been responded to within a certain timeframe. For instance, “Hi! Just checking in to see if you still need assistance with your query.”

5. Integrate with Chatbots

For businesses with a high volume of DMs, integrating a chatbot can be beneficial. Chatbots can handle initial inquiries and provide instant responses based on predefined keywords. For example, if someone asks about product availability, the chatbot can immediately provide that information. However, make sure there’s an option for users to connect with a human representative if needed.

Offer Exclusive Deals and Promotions

Using Instagram DMs to offer exclusive deals and promotions can create a sense of urgency and make your followers feel special. Personalize the offers by addressing recipients by name and explaining why they’re receiving the exclusive deal. 

For example, you could say, “Hi [Name], because you’ve been such a loyal follower, we wanted to offer you a 20% discount on our new collection for the next 48 hours! Use code EXCLUSIVE20 at checkout.” This approach drives immediate action and fosters a sense of appreciation and exclusivity, encouraging followers to stay engaged and loyal to your brand.

Provide Exceptional Customer Support

You can resolve issues efficiently and build stronger relationships with your followers by offering prompt and helpful responses. Start by acknowledging their concern with a personalized message. Then, provide clear and detailed answers to their questions or issues, and if necessary, offer to continue the conversation over a call or email for more complex problems. 

Don’t forget to regularly check your DMs to make sure that you respond timely, and use follow-up messages to confirm that their issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. This might sound simple and a no-brainer. But exceptional customer support via DMs shows that you value your customers and are committed to addressing their needs, which can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate.

Build Community and Foster Engagement

Instagram DMs can be a powerful tool for building a sense of community and fostering engagement among your followers. Use DMs to start conversations and create a more interactive relationship with your audience. 

For instance, you might reach out to followers who frequently engage with your content and invite them to participate in a special campaign or event. 

A message like, “Hi [Name], we love how you engage with our posts! We’re launching a new community initiative and would love for you to be involved. Interested?” can make followers feel valued and part of something bigger. 

Use DMs to encourage user-generated content by asking followers to share their experiences or photos related to your brand. You can even feature their content on your main profile as a way of showing appreciation and building a stronger community connection.

This article is written by:
Author: Andre Oentoro
Andre Oentoro
The Founder at Breadnbeyond | Website

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning animation video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos.