I’d love to contribute content to your site! Are you open to guest posts?
We welcome guest authors. Here’s how to join:
01. Pitch us a topic:
Please browse through our extensive topics list and find one that interests you and suits our audience. Please send us an email with your idea.
02. Send us the draft:
After we confirm your topic, you can write the blog post and send it to us. Our editors will review your article and suggest improvements to suit our readers’ best interests.
Here’s our Writing Style Guide
03. Get your article published:
We will let you know once your draft is approved. We will create a guest author profile for you and publish your article.
Please visit the guest post opportunities page for more information.
What is the purpose of Knowledge Netizen?
Reading is beneficial in many ways. It can help you learn new information and expand your horizons, and it can be a fun activity to do in your free time.
“Knowledge Netizen” (formerly known as “Netizen Insight”) was founded to create a platform for providing helpful, unbiased, and balanced information about topics and matters for leisure reading. Knowledge Netizen mainly publishes quality educational content about sustainability, social responsibility, history, art, marketing, business, psychology, and more.
Our mission is to help our readers understand the world around them. We focus on providing educational articles on topics that we think our audience will find helpful, regardless of their location or academic background, free of charge, without asking to subscribe.
I have an article that I think readers will find interesting. Can you share it?
We are welcoming any complimentary resources that we think suit our readers. Please email us after a fact check; if we think the article will benefit our audience, we will add them as an additional resource for reading.
How can I cite Knowledge Netizen?
Our content is free to read and share. You can use our articles and cite them under the author of each article. Our content is free to read and share.
You can use our articles and cite them under the author of each article. Most of our articles are written by in-house writers and will be published under the author name “Netizen Insight,” while other guest posts will reflect the guest’s name.
You can cite our articles under the author name “Netizenme”
We also cite original authors if we are quoting someone else.
You will find a list of resources we cited at the end of the page.