“Three Questions” is a short fiction story written by Leo Tolstoy. It revolves around a king who is searching for answers to three fundamental questions: When is the right time to do things? Who are the right people to be with? And what is the most important thing to do? In his quest for answers,… Read more: Reader’s Reflection: Noteworthy Observations from Tolstoy’s “Three Questions”
How did classicism influence the Italian Renaissance during both the early Renaissance of the 15th century and the high Renaissance at the turn of the 16th century?
Contemporary art encompasses diverse forms, practices, and approaches that reflect the complexities of modern society. What are the forms of contemporary art?
The recent controversy involving BTS’s Min Yoongi, also known as SUGA of BTS or August D, became another incident that makes you question the integrity of some media. On August 6, 2024, a minor incident escalated into a full-blown media scandal, so many questions arose. How did Suga’s Drunk Driving Incident unfold? Was Suga drunk… Read more: Suga’s Drunk Driving Incident: What really happened?
From the dramatic flair of Italy and the controlled grandeur of France to the intense emotionality of Spain and the detailed realism of the Netherlands, Baroque style has left a lasting legacy.
the architectural style of the Pantheon and how it represents Roman culture not only showcases the Roman flair for engineering and aesthetics but also encapsulates ancient Rome’s cultural and religious values.
This blog explores why Hector retains his heroic status in ancient times and modern interpretations. We will delve into the qualities that define heroism in both contexts, examining how Hector’s character embodies these traits.
What to you is Comedy? What do you find funny? What are examples of stories, authors or other arts that you find humor? Also, WHY do you find those things funny?