Our Team

Knowledge Netizen

At Knowledge Netizen, we believe that knowledge is power. We strive to make complex topics accessible to everyone, from students and educators to professionals and lifelong learners.

Our Admin team

Our dedicated Administrative team is critical in ensuring that our in-house and guest writers’ content is published accurately and efficiently. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for supporting our writers, our Administrative team works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that every article meets our high standards for quality and accuracy. From formatting and editing to publishing and promotion, our team handles every step of the process with professionalism and care.

Chenayah Kasthuri (she/her)

Chenayah manages our team of editors and oversees their work to ensure that all articles are thoroughly reviewed and edited before publication.

Gemma Carol (she/her)
Customer Service & Support

Gemma works closely with our in-house and guest writers to help them refine their ideas and hone their writing skills. She provides guidance and feedback throughout the content creation process.

Attia Abdullah (he/him)
Data analyst / Social Media Manager

He analyses website traffic and user behavior using web analytics tools and provides insights and recommendations for website optimization and marketing strategies.

Megha (they)

She helps create valuable and relevant content for our audience by researching topics and content ideas.

Nihal Cameron (he/him)

He is our SEO specialist, optimizing our site content for improved visibility and ranking on search engines.

Kim Eunjin (she/her)

Eunjin is our graphic designer, crafting visually appealing elements, responsible for managing graphics-related tasks on our website.

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