Differences Between a Literature Review and a Literature Survey

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Literature reviews and surveys are crucial tools scholars use in academic research to contextualize their work. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they have distinct roles and purposes. This blog post aims to elucidate the differences between a literature review and a literature survey. We will explore their definitions, objectives, methodologies, and applications. Researchers can better utilize these tools to enhance their studies by understanding these distinctions.

Literature Review and Literature Survey

What is a Literature Review?

A literature review comprehensively synthesizes previous research on a specific topic. It involves critically analyzing and evaluating existing literature and identifying trends, gaps, and inconsistencies. The purpose is to provide a thorough understanding of the research landscape, establish the context for new research, and justify the need for further investigation.

What is a Literature Survey?

A literature survey is a more straightforward compilation of existing studies related to a particular research question or area. It involves collecting and summarizing relevant sources without the depth of critical analysis in literature reviews. The primary objective is to gather information and present an overview of what has been done in the field.

A literature survey is what others found about the topic, and a literature review is what you think about those findings in the context of your topic.

Objectives and Purposes

Objectives of a Literature Review

  • Contextualization: A literature review situates new research within the existing body of knowledge.
  • Critical Analysis: It critically evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of past studies.
  • Identification of Gaps: It identifies gaps in the current knowledge that new research can address.
  • Theoretical Foundation: It establishes a theoretical framework for new research.

Objectives of a Literature Survey

  • Information Gathering: A literature survey aims to gather existing information on a topic.
  • Overview Provision: It provides an overview of the current state of research without extensive analysis.
  • Foundation for Further Research: This is a preliminary step in identifying sources for a more detailed literature review or other research activities.


Methodology of a Literature Review

A literature review involves several systematic steps:

  1. Defining Scope: Determine the specific focus and scope of the review.
  2. Searching for Literature: Use databases, journals, and other sources to find relevant literature.
  3. Selecting Sources: Choose sources based on relevance, credibility, and quality.
  4. Analyzing and Synthesizing: Critically analyze and synthesize the findings, identifying patterns and themes.
  5. Writing the Review: Organize the analysis into a coherent narrative highlighting key findings, debates, and gaps.

Methodology of a Literature Survey

A literature survey follows a more straightforward approach:

  1. Identifying Research Question: Define the specific question or topic of interest.
  2. Collecting Sources: Gather all relevant sources without a stringent selection process.
  3. Summarizing Findings: Summarize the key points from each source.
  4. Organizing Information: Present the summaries logically, often chronologically or thematically.

Applications and Uses

Applications of a Literature Review

  • Academic Research: establishes a foundation for theses, dissertations, and scholarly articles.
  • Grant Proposals: Justify the need for funding by highlighting gaps in the current research.
  • Policy Development: Informs policy decisions by comprehensively understanding the research landscape.

Applications of a Literature Survey

  • Preliminary Research: Serves as a starting point for researchers new to a field.
  • Project Planning: Helps in planning research projects by providing an overview of existing studies.
  • Educational Purposes: Used in coursework to familiarize students with a particular area of study.

Critical Analysis vs. Summary

Critical Analysis in Literature Reviews

Literature reviews involve a deep critical analysis where researchers assess previous studies’ methodologies, findings, and implications. This process helps to identify strengths, weaknesses, and biases in the existing literature. By doing so, researchers can construct a solid theoretical foundation for their work, highlight areas needing further investigation, and ensure their research contributes novel insights to the field.

Summary in Literature Surveys

In contrast, literature surveys focus on summarizing existing research without extensive critique. This method is helpful for quickly understanding what has been done in a field. However, it does not provide the depth of analysis needed to engage with the literature critically. Thus, while useful for initial exploration, literature surveys are often supplemented by more detailed reviews in comprehensive research projects.

Integration into Research Projects

Literature Reviews in Research Projects

In research projects, literature reviews are integral to the introduction and theoretical framework sections. They help establish the context for the research, justify the research questions, and demonstrate the researcher’s expertise in the field. Researchers can position their work within the ongoing scholarly conversation by critically engaging with the literature, ensuring its relevance and impact.

Literature Surveys in Research Projects

Literature surveys are often used in the early stages of research projects. They provide a broad overview of the field, helping researchers to understand the landscape and identify relevant sources. While not as detailed as literature reviews, surveys can inform the development of research questions and hypotheses, providing a foundation for more in-depth analysis later in the project.


Understanding the differences between literature reviews and surveys is essential for effective academic research. While both tools gather and present information on a specific topic, they serve distinct purposes and involve different methodologies. A literature review offers a comprehensive, critical analysis of existing research, providing a robust foundation for new studies. In contrast, a literature survey provides a broad overview of existing literature, serving as a preliminary step in the research process. By recognizing these differences, researchers can choose the appropriate tool for their needs, enhancing the quality and impact of their work.

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