Relationship Between Theory, Hypotheses, and Research

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What is the Significant Relationship Between Theory and Research?

Theory and research are inextricably linked. Theories create hypotheses that may be validated or disproven through study, the findings of which may lead to the theory being reinforced. The research findings may also call a theory into a statement, leading to its rejection or revision. A theory is a broadly recognized natural concept or explanation.

A theory is the most trustworthy type of information in science. It is articulated logically and is supported by solid evidence. For example, the Earth revolves around the sun as stated by the heliocentric theory, the cell concept, which states that living things are made up of cells, and the tectonic plates theory, which describes the mobility of concrete plates that make up the Earth’s crust are all illustrations of scientific theories.

Research is a creative expression used to raise the amount of knowledge available to humanity. Theory and research are both components of the scientific approach, which is a process for acquiring, correcting, and integrating information into the entirety of verifiable information.

Difference Between Hypothesis and Theory

A theory is distinct from a hypothesis, a verifiable prediction stated before doing research. A hypothesis is an untested concept, while a theory has previously been tested, validated, and widely accepted. A hypothesis is a particular explanation or observation, whereas a theory seems to be a broader explanation or evaluation.

Hypotheses are either a proposed explanation for an observed occurrence or a rationalized prediction of a probable causal association among many events. A theory is a proven, well-substantiated, unified explanation for a group of verified, confirmed aspects in science. Hypotheses are subjective, but the theory is objective.

Theories are more powerful and dependable than hypotheses since they have been thoroughly tested, endorsed, and validated, whereas hypotheses do not require support; they are only testable. Because the theory may or may not be proven correct, the outcome is unknown. In the alternative, a theory is presumed to be accurate and has a fixed outcome. Both the hypothesis and the theory may be tested and falsified.

A hypothesis develops a theory when it is proven correct, bypassing all crucial tests and assessments. So, the hypothesis differs from the theory in that the former is unverified, whilst the latter is a confirmed and tested statement.

Check out these References on the Relationship between theory, hypotheses, and research

Chermack, T. (2005). Studying scenario planning: Theory, research suggestions, and hypotheses. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 72(1), 59-73.

Connelly, L. M. (2015). Research questions and hypotheses. Medsurg Nursing, 24(6), 435-436.

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