Symbol of Mother’s Love – Carnations
“Beginning with the belief that they first appeared on earth from the Virgin Mary’s tears – making them the symbol of a mother’s undying love.”
These small plants bare many flowers at ones and it is such a lovely sight to see a bed of flowers in different colours. Carnations are one of the most popular flowers in the world. They come in a wide range of colors, from white to pink to red. They’re often used in bouquets and arrangements, and they make a great gift for someone special. Carnations are also known for their long-lasting blooms. When caring for carnations, be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight and water them regularly.
Flowers have been given as gifts for centuries and each type of flower has its own meaning. For example, carnations are often given to mothers because they are symbols of love. The pink color signifies appreciation and gratitude, while the red color signifies deep love and admiration. White carnations are often used in funeral arrangements because they represent purity and innocence.
The history of Carnation flowers:
With a history that dates back more than 2,000 years, it’s not surprising that carnations are rich with symbolism, mythology, and even debate. While some scholars suggest that their name comes from the word “corone” (flower garlands) or “coronation” because of its use in Greek ceremonial crowns, others propose that it’s derived from the Latin “carnis” (flesh) referring to the flower’s original pinkish-hued color or “incarnacyon” (incarnation), referring to the incarnation of God-made-flesh.
Flowers have been given as gifts for centuries and each type of flower has its own meaning. For example, carnations are often given to mothers because they are symbols of love. The pink color signifies appreciation and gratitude, while the red color signifies deep love and admiration. White carnations are often used in funeral arrangements because they represent purity and innocence.
What color is carnation for Mother’s Day?
Today, carnations can be found in a wide range of colors, and while in general, they express love, fascination, and distinction, virtually every color carries a unique and rich association.
- White represents pure love and good luck
- Light red symbolizes admiration
- Dark red represents deep love and affection.
- Purple carnations imply capriciousness.
- Pink carnations carry the greatest significance.
Worn on Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day (in green, of course), and at weddings, this hardy, sweetly flower is also the state flower of Ohio, USA, and the January birth month flower and the 1st wedding anniversary flower.
Read more on www.teleflora.com
Do you have Carnations in your garden?

I love gardening! My garden is filled with vegetables, flowers, fruits &, etc. I love watching a plant grow. A circle of life! I get to nurture them. When it comes to flowers, I don’t have an all-time favourite flower. Because each flower bears its own beauty and importance and I am fond of all the plants under my care. I recently planted Carnations in my front yard. They are so unique and beautiful in various colours and designs.
But I was told by a few visitors that planting Carnations in front of the house attracts bad luck. Well, I don’t believe such things when it comes to flowers. Unless it is a plant that is poisonous to other living creatures.
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This article is written by:
Meghan is a freelance writer and a blogger.