Sherwood v. Walker: A Contract Law Precedent

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Sherwood v. Walker, a 19th-century American case, revolved around the sale of a cow, highlighting legal issues in contract validity, mutual error, and enforcement. This analysis delves into the case’s facts, legal issues, the court’s approach, and the modern applicability of its principles.

The American case of Sherwood v. Walker

“Sherwood (Plaintiff) contracted to buy a cow believed to be barren, at a low price from Walker and others (Defendants).  Later, the parties realized the cow was with calf.   The Plaintiff wanted to enforce the contract while Defendants wanted rescission” (casebriefs, 2020).

An outline of the facts in the case

The cow sale was at issue in the 19th-century American case of Sherwood v. Walker. The following are the case’s main facts:

The Plaintiff, Sherwood, wanted to buy a cow from the Defendants, Walker and others. They entered into a contract for the sale of the cow. At the time of the agreement, the cow was considered barren. However, after the contract was signed, it was discovered that the cow was pregnant. This unexpected revelation indicated that the cow was more valuable than initially thought.

Despite the pregnancy, Sherwood, the Plaintiff, refused to deliver the cow to Walker and others, the Defendants, as per their agreement. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Sherwood argued that the contract should be considered null and unenforceable.

In response, Walker and others, the Defendants, sued Sherwood, the Plaintiff, seeking the fulfillment of the contract. They argued that the agreement should be enforced. On the other hand, Sherwood contended that the contract could not be executed because both parties had misunderstood the cow’s fertility.

The trial court rule

Initially, the trial court ruled in favor of the Defendants, stating that the contract was legitimate and binding. However, Sherwood, the Plaintiff, appealed this judgment.

Upon appeal, the appellate court reversed the trial court’s decision. The appellate court held that the contract was invalid due to a mutual mistake. They concluded that the parties were incorrect about a fundamental fact, namely, the cow’s fertility, which significantly affected the value of the contract.

The legal significance of Sherwood v. Walker lies in establishing the rule that a mutual mistake regarding a fundamental aspect of a contract can render it void. This case is seminal in American contract law, underscoring the importance of fairness and preventing unjust enrichment in contractual relationships.

What were the main legal issues involved?

The following were the key legal problems in the Sherwood v. Walker case:

Validity of the contract:

The main issue in the case concerned the legality and enforceability of the cow sale agreement between Sherwood (the plaintiff), Walker, and other defendants.

Mutual error:

The issue before the court was whether there was a joint error concerning a key element of the contract, namely the cow’s fertility. This error became a significant legal issue that affected the contract’s legality.

Enforcement of the contract:

The court had to decide whether to uphold or invalidate the contract. Walker and others pushed to fulfill the contract, while Sherwood urged for its annulment.

The unexpected pregnancy of the cow created questions about its value and the validity of the contract as a result of the change in circumstances.

Unjust enrichment:

Whether the contract’s enforcement or cancellation would avoid unjust enrichment for either party was a fundamental legal matter.

The legal difficulties centered mainly on the contract’s legality, both parties’ misconceptions about the cow’s fertility, and the best way to resolve the conflict. In the ruling, the court had to consider fairness and the avoidance of undue enrichment.

What approach did the court take in addressing the legal issue?

In addressing the legal issue in Sherwood v. Walker, the court proceeded with caution and thought. The court reached its verdict after considering the case’s circumstances and applying legal principles. Here is a more thorough justification:

Mutual error:

The court acknowledged that Sherwood, the plaintiff, and Walker and others, the defendants, had erred concerning an essential element of the contract. Specifically, they had judged the cow to be barren in error. This shared error caused the legal problem at hand.

The court emphasized that the fertility of the cow was a key and important element of the contract. The parties believed the cow was barren when they entered into the deal, and this perception affected how much they valued it.

Contract voidability:

The court addressed whether the agreement may be declared void and unenforceable in light of the parties’ shared misconception about the cow’s fertility. The court considered how the error affected the parties’ intentions and the agreement’s overall legality.

Fairness and avoiding unfair enrichment:

The court considered fairness and the release of unjust enrichment when making its judgment and aimed to prevent either party from improperly benefiting from the situation or bearing an undue burden.

The court carefully considered the mutual error, its significance to the contract, and its consequences for fairness and equitable results by adopting a holistic approach. The court concluded by taking into account these facts to respect the principles of justice and prevent any party from unfairly benefiting from or suffering a disadvantage due to the mutual mistake.

How did the court apply its approach to the facts of the case?

The following is how the court applied its methodology to the case’s facts:

  • Mutual error: The court acknowledged that both parties had falsely assumed that the cow was barren when the transaction was made. This shared error was a key factor in the court’s analysis.
  • Fundamental fact and the legality of the contract: The court found that the cow’s fertility was a fundamental fact that had a significant bearing on the nature and worth of the contract. The court examined the contract’s legality in light of this.
  • Contract voidability: The court concluded that the contract might be declared void and unenforceable based on the parties’ mutual error and the crucial importance of the relevant fact. This choice was made in light of the court’s comprehension of the parties’ goals and how the error affected the fairness of the contract.

Fairness and avoiding undue enrichment were the court’s main concerns while considering equitable principles. It aimed to prevent either party from unduly benefiting or losing from the contract’s enforcement or revocation.

The court determined the significance of the mutual error to the legality and fairness of the contract by carefully studying it. In making its decision, the court considered the essential facts and applied equitable principles to reach a reasonable and equitable conclusion given the case’s particulars.

How the court’s conclusion might be applied in a modern business setting?

The court’s ruling in Sherwood v. Walker can be applied to a comparable circumstance involving a contract between two parties in contemporary corporate settings. Let us look at an example:

Let’s say that Party A and Party B sign a contract to sell a piece of equipment. Both sides agree that the equipment is in flawless operating order when bargaining. However, following the contract’s signing, it is learned that the equipment has a severe flaw that reduces its worth and usability.

The court’s judgment can be applied as follows by the guidelines provided in Sherwood v. Walker:

  • Mutual error: Concerning the state of the equipment at the time of the contract, Party A and Party B made a mutual error. An important factor in the case is this mutual error.
  • Fundamental fact and the legality of the contract: The state of the equipment is an absolute truth that has an enormous impact on both the contract’s goals and the value of the machinery. The court determines whether this error affects the contract’s essential terms.
  • Contract voidability: The court may determine the contract is voidable in light of the parties’ mutual error and the fact in question’s essential character. This indicates that either party may have a basis for terminating the agreement or pursuing suitable remedies.

The court would also consider equitable principles, emphasizing fairness and avoiding unfair enrichment. Given the effect of the error on each party’s position, it would try to offer a just resolution for both sides.

The court’s application of Sherwood v. Walker in this contemporary business context would enable the impacted party to seek a resolution based on the parties’ shared error regarding the state of the equipment. Considering the facts and the parties’ positions, the court would seek to preserve the parties’ rights and guarantee a just resolution through contract rescission, renegotiation, or other suitable remedies.

Analysis of Sherwood v. Walker: Conclusion

Finally, the case of Sherwood v. Walker, an American contracts case from the 19th century concerning the sale of a cow, demonstrated how the court dealt with legal concerns such as mutual mistake, the legality of contracts, and equitable factors. The court carefully considered how the parties’ shared ignorance of a material truth affected the value and enforceability of the contract. The court found that the contract might be declared defective and unenforceable by taking into account fairness and avoiding unjust enrichment. A major case in American contract law is Sherwood v. Walker, which emphasizes the significance of fairness, understanding, and equitable outcomes in contractual interactions. Legal doctrines involving mutual errors and how they affect a contract’s validity in contemporary corporate contexts are still being shaped by this seminal case.


casebriefs. (2020, September 4). Sherwood v. Walker | Case Brief for Law Students | Casebriefs. CaseBriefs LLC.

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Fried, C. (2017, June). Contracts: : Sherwood v. Walker, 66 Mich 568 (1887). Sherwood

 v. Walker. (2017, August 18). U.S. Contract Law For LL.M. Students.

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