Samsung: Go Green

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Going green refers to the pursuit of knowledge and adoption of practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. As the world is getting more and more advanced, technology is fast becoming a central part of everyday life, and the use of technology becomes increasingly commonplace, tech companies bear the social responsibility of ensuring their products and business practices pose no threats to the environment, and instead, make way for more safe and sustainable consumption.

How is Samsung helping the environment?

Given the plethora of industries in which it has a stronghold, Samsung is inarguably one of, if not the most, established electronics companies worldwide. Accordingly, Samsung strives to make its practices eco-friendly to whatever extent possible. Samsung is dedicated to reducing the environmental effects of its cutting-edge products, such as smartphones, televisions, and other electronics. It has developed several innovative, environmentally friendly design processes as part of this commitment.

THREE R’S: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The very widely used mantra, i.e., the THREE R’S: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, is adopted by Samsung in the manufacturing of its products. It ensures that materials purchased throughout its supply chain and used in production are low waste and environmentally friendly. Additionally, Samsung ensures that once done with them, consumers can quickly dispose of its products without any non-recyclable parts ending up in landfills worldwide.  

Samsung introduced in-house systems to assure the eco-friendliness of its goods from the design stage in 2005, and in 2014, the business implemented a proper methodology to analyze the ecological qualities of each product with an ‘eco-rating.’

Samsung’s new green administration endeavor incorporates reducing ozone-depleting substance emanations from modern items, developing eco-accommodating items, monetary interest in eco-the-board drives, and improving green organizations with providers.

Samsung lays out its environmental management policies and goals every year to effectively communicate its policies to the general public. Eco-management measures, including greenhouse gas emissions, eco-friendly product information, eco-friendly CSR activities, and stakeholder engagement programs, are all transparently disclosed.

Furthermore, they provide a variety of communication channels via which everyone engaged can rapidly access the information they require. Lately, Samsung has also adopted the slogan “Planet First”. Under this, the MNC pursues corporate social responsibility and sustainable management through business activities that put the planet’s best interest before the profits and growth margins.

Samsung strategies and practices of eco-friendliness

When adopting practices such as going green, which can be a significant selling point, competition is crucial. Robust strategies and action plans and keeping a close eye on competitors’ countermeasures can help conglomerates like Samsung maintain their edge and stay ahead of the curve. In making itself one of the most quality and innovative brands within the electronics industry, Samsung strives to be sustainable and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by ensuring it remains the leader within the digital market.

Samsung’s eco-friendliness and green strategy are also among the things that distinguish them from other electronic companies in the market. They take action against climate change to preserve the environment and protect local communities. The company provides its green management policies and achievements to internal and external stakeholders. By doing so, Samsung can create goodwill with consumers, which will help the company maintain its market position. 

Check the following reference articles to learn more about Samsung: Go Green.
  1. Brainmass. (n.d.). Samsung: product differentiation, competition, strategies. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from (URL)
  2. Importance Of Green Management Of Samsung – 1391 Words | Bartleby. (n.d.). Bartleby. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from (URL)
  3. Samsung. (n.d.). Eco-management | Our Commitment | Environment | Sustainability. Samsung Electronics America. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from (URL)
  4. Thrall. (n.d.). Going Green: Sustainable Living and Development Guide – Sustainability, Ecofriendly, Going Green News, Resources, FAQs, Definitions, Technologies, Websites- Middletown Thrall Library Special Coverage Center. Retrieved March 9, 2022, from (URL)
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