Roman Mining Technology, Harbours and Watermills -Netizen-Me

Roman Mining Technology, Harbours and Watermills

Roman Engineering Marvel in Mining Technology, Harbours and Watermills Roman technology was inspired by the advancement and innovations of Etruscans, Greeks, Cults, and many other civilizations. These civilizations existed before the Romans and knowledge to improve their technology resulted in further advancement. Romans took the knowledge of Greeks and other civilizations and made marvellous progress…

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Greek and Roman

Forms of Government in Ancient Greek

Ancient Greece was a cluster of poleis, city-states with independent governments. The main objective of these forms was to establish order in administration and governance in their city-state. These poleis shared some similar attributions, like religion and language, with slight variations, but their governing structures were unique to each other. Which types of government did the…

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The Influence of Classical Rome Art and Architecture on Christian Art and Architecture - Netizen Me

The Influence of Classical Rome Art and Architecture on Christian Art and Architecture

Defining the relationship between classical Roman art and early Christian art would hardly be possible without the mention of Roman Emperor Constantine. The man is largely responsible for Christianity’s transition from a persecuted sect of few individuals holding services in catacombs to becoming recognized as the empire’s official religion. Early Christian art also evolved from…

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