Making Business Policy and Strategy Choices: A Comprehensive Approach

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How business policy and strategy choices should be made

Business policy and strategy choices play a crucial role in determining the success and competitiveness of organizations. Effective decision-making requires a comprehensive understanding of the internal and external factors influencing business operations. This case discussion aims to provide insights into these choices, emphasizing the importance of analysis, alignment, and adaptability. Examples from case studies and academically-appropriate sources will be used to illustrate and support the position presented.


When making business policy and strategy choices, a thorough analysis is essential. This involves assessing the internal capabilities and resources of the organization, as well as understanding the external market dynamics and industry trends. For instance, a case study by Johnson and Scholes (2019) explores the strategic choices made by Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain. The company analyzed the growing demand for premium coffee experiences and the evolving consumer preferences for sustainable and ethically sourced products. Based on this analysis, Starbucks strategically chose to differentiate itself by focusing on quality, innovation, and social responsibility. This analysis-driven approach allowed Starbucks to maintain its competitive advantage and expand globally.


Business policy and strategy choices must align with the organisation’s vision, mission, and goals. This alignment ensures that the chosen strategies support the organization’s long-term objectives. For instance, the case of Apple Inc., as discussed by Hill and Jones (2017), highlights the company’s focus on innovation and customer-centricity. Apple’s strategic choices, such as developing innovative products like the iPhone and creating a seamless hardware, software, and services ecosystem, align with its vision of delivering exceptional user experiences. This alignment has helped Apple achieve significant market success and brand loyalty.


The dynamic nature of the business environment necessitates adaptability in policy and strategy choices. Organizations must be willing to reassess and modify their strategies to stay relevant and respond to changing market conditions. Nokia, as demonstrated in a case study by Grant (2019), serves as an example of the consequences of failing to adapt. Despite once being a dominant player in the mobile phone industry, Nokia failed to anticipate the shift towards smartphones and touchscreen technology. The company’s rigid policies and strategies prevented it from effectively competing with emerging rivals such as Apple and Samsung. This example highlights the importance of continuous monitoring, learning, and adaptation in business policy and strategy choices.

Effective business policy and strategy choices require a comprehensive approach incorporating analysis, alignment, and adaptability. Through thorough analysis of internal and external factors, organizations can identify opportunities, capitalize on strengths, and mitigate weaknesses. Aligning chosen strategies with the organization’s vision and goals ensures coherence and long-term success. Furthermore, adaptability allows organizations to respond to market changes, maintain competitiveness, and drive innovation. By considering these factors, organizations can make informed decisions contributing to their growth and sustainability.


  • Grant, R. M. (2019). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Hill, C. W. L., & Jones, G. R. (2017). Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. Cengage Learning.
  • Johnson, G., & Scholes, K. (2019). Exploring Strategy: Text and Cases. Pearson.
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