How can you help others develop corporate foresight?

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) NetizenMe online magazine
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What is Corporate foresight?

Corporate foresight is the ability to see trends and anticipate future events that will impact the company. Leaders can help develop this ability in others by creating a culture of openness and inquiry, encouraging people to think about the future, and providing resources and opportunities for experimentation.

Organizations can benefit from corporate foresight in many ways. The ability to anticipate future trends and opportunities can help companies make better product, service, and strategy decisions. Corporate foresight can also help organizations identify potential risks and prepare for them. There are a number of things that leaders can do to encourage corporate foresight within their organizations. One is creating a curiosity culture where employees feel comfortable asking questions and exploring new ideas. Leaders should also look for opportunities to encourage outside thinking, such as by hosting futurist speakers or workshops. Finally, it is important to give employees the time and space to think about the future and how it might impact their work.

There are a few key ways you can help others develop corporate foresight:

  1. Teach them the importance of looking into the future and planning for it.
  2. Encourage them to be proactive in their thinking and to consider different future scenarios.
  3. Help them understand how to use forecasting tools and techniques so that they can make better decisions about the future.
  4. Keep them up to date with new developments in corporate foresight, so they can continue to improve their skills and knowledge.

How did Acer company develops its foresight

“The Forbes Global High Performers is rich with industry leaders who are making strategic moves to help navigate through these tough economic times. Taiwan’s Acer, which has headquarters outside the U.S. aimed to become the biggest seller of laptops and netbooks by 2011”

DeCarlo, 2010 (source)

Acer is one of the leading companies in the world according to Forbes. They have a great leadership team that has a clear vision for the company. They are constantly innovating and expanding their business. They have a strong focus on customer satisfaction and always put their customers first.

The Acer company develops its foresight by looking at what other companies are doing and seeing what new technologies are being developed. They also keep an eye on changes in the market and customer needs. By doing this, they are able to predict future trends and develop products that meet those needs. They have a team of experts who analyse data and make recommendations to the management team. This helps them to make decisions about where to focus their resources.

The company’s founder, Stan Shih, is credited with having the foresight to take Acer global. In the early days of the personal computer revolution, Acer identified the opportunities in international markets and took advantage of them by opening up subsidiaries around the world. This allowed Acer to quickly become a leading player in the PC market. More recently, Acer has diverted R&D resources into developing new product categories such as smartphones and tablets. This move has paid off handsomely, with Acer now being one of the fastest-growing smartphone vendors in the world. When the netbook market began to take off, Acer was one of the first companies to release a product in that category. Acer has also been quick to embrace new technologies, such as 2-in-1 laptops and Chromebooks. This allowed them to capture a large portion of the market and establish themselves as a major player and also to stay ahead of the competition and maintain their position as a top PC manufacturer.

Read more about Acer’s Next Advance by Forbes

Corporate foresight pertaining to McDonald’s

The fast-food company has been investing in technology and trying to stay ahead of the curve regarding consumer trends. McDonald’s is one of the most well-known fast-food chains in the world and has been in operation since 1940. In recent years, the company has been working hard to revamp its image and appeal to a more health-conscious customer base.

As part of this effort, McDonald’s has been investing in new technologies and trying to stay ahead of the curve regarding consumer trends. One way the company has done this is by partnering with tech startups. For example, in 2016, McDonald’s partnered with a startup called Dynamic Yield, which provides technology that helps businesses make real-time decisions based on customer data. This partnership has resulted in the roll-out of digital ordering kiosks in some restaurants and “personalized drive-thru experiences” that consider factors like the time of day and weather conditions.

McDonald’s is also exploring new ways to reach customers through mobile app development. For example, the company recently launched a mobile ordering and payment app in the US and plans to roll out similar apps in other countries soon. In addition, McDonald’s is testing out “McDelivery” services in select markets worldwide. These services allow customers to order food from their local restaurant and have it delivered directly to their doorsteps.

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