What Makes a Good Abstract?

What Makes a Good Abstract
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What Makes a Good Abstract

What Makes a Good Abstract?

An abstract is a summary of your research paper (01). It is the section of your paper with the highest probability of being read (02) and must be written carefully to ensure it represents the quality of your research.

Most well-written abstracts fall within the range of 200-250 words (02). A good abstract should include:

1.      Background – This should be about 2-3 sentences long and should answer the questions; what is known about the subject of the paper, and what new information does the paper intend to present. (02)

2.      Methods – This describes what was done and how it was carried out (02). In addition, it should include precise details like sample size and duration of the study.

3.      Results – This is the most important part of the paper as it is usually the main focus of the reader. It is also the longest section and should contain meaningful and important data (02).

4.      Conclusion – Your conclusion summarizes the implication of your results and can contain additional findings (02). Generally, it should be devoid of misleading statements as it has a great influence on the readers. 

Bear in mind that the details of your abstract may vary slightly based on the genre of your research. You should also make sure to format your abstract according to the instructions of the intended journal (02).

Check the following reference articles to learn more about what makes a good abstract:
  1. writing.wisc.edu. 2020. Writing an Abstract for Your Research Paper. Retrieved on 30 December 2020. URL
  2. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. 2020. How to Write a Good Abstract for a Scientific Paper or Conference Presentation. Retrieved on 30 December 2020 URL
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